Enhance and Empower: How we’re tackling ‘comparison culture’

Enhance and Empower: How we’re tackling ‘comparison culture’

There’s absolutely no doubt that we’re sitting in a time where ‘comparison culture’ is alive and kicking. With our (never-ending) lockdown looming over us, daily screen time on the rise and all that time to ‘look inwards’, this natural urge to compare ourselves to other, perhaps popular, social figures is becoming a big subconscious theme. 

People feel the need to look like their favourite celebs and immerse into this idea of ‘changing appearances’ rather than enhancing features. 


Here at L’Amour, in line with our company ethos, we’re firm on the concept of enhancement, not change. Every single person that walks through our clinic door from the first time we meet them is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L (no doubt about that). Our philosophy is to recognise this beauty alongside adhering to our client’s demands when they reach out to us. The goal is to complement our client’s features when using filler enhancements, so their natural self is still on the surface. 

Although bringing in photos of celebrities or popular figures may clarify what you’re looking to achieve, at L’Amour, we tend not to encourage this. Again, the aim is to be YOU. Simply enhancing features we love about ourselves, rather than changing the features we feel we ‘dislike’.


Often times clients come in thinking that they need more than what they actually do. To tackle this, we ensure you receive an informed consultation where we openly and honestly recommend what you need as well as what you don’t need in terms of treatment and ml dosage, based on your best interests. 

For example, a client may show us an idea of what they want their lips to be like, however, if doing this would take away from one’s beauty or change their naturally defined cupid’s bow, we would recommend an alternative way that would best compliment their natural lips. For instance, adding more volume to the cupid’s bow to make it more prominent rather than playing around with structure. Our trusted and knowledgeable aesthetic practitioner wants to ensure her work leaves you feeling as confident as ever, and still very much YOU. 

Heading back to the first point we mentioned about the current comparison culture, it’s normal that we all feel insecure at times because this a part of being human, but the key is to practice self-acceptance. When walking through our clinic, we want you to know how beautiful you already are and that are services are simply here to highlight that and empower you. 


Stay tuned for our upcoming blog next Sunday where we delve deeper into the issues surrounding mental health and why the conversation needs to be brought to the table. We also get to speak to expert psychologists on these matters so make sure you keep an eye out on our Instagram page too, @thelamourclinic.