Fat Dissolving

Introducing our advanced Fat Dissolving Injections at L’Amour Clinic—a highly effective solution for targeting stubborn fat. Experience the transformative power of this specialised treatment to achieve your desired body contour.

Are you seeking a reliable solution to address persistent fat in specific areas of your body despite your healthy lifestyle choices? Look no further than L’Amour Clinic’s highly effective fat dissolving injections. We understand your frustration and offer a personalised approach, allowing you to select the targeted area for treatment, including the chin, stomach, and arms. With our safe and proven injections, you can regain control of your body, enhance your confidence, and achieve your desired aesthetic goals. Trust us to provide you with a professional and reassuring experience that prioritises your well-being.

Benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections

  • Effective and straight-forward procedure
  • Pain-free
  • No need for anaesthesia
  • Targets fat deposits that cannot lessen with exercise or diets
  • Provides quality body contouring
  • Can treat facial areas such as chin and cheeks
  • Can treat body areas such as hips, thighs, back, arms and abdomen
  • Results can be visible after a single session

Are you perturbed by persistent submental fat, yearning for a solution that truly delivers? At L’Amour, we understand the frustration and are dedicated to turning your aspirations into reality. Contrary to common assumptions, submental and cheek fat can be influenced by factors beyond weight and ageing, such as genetics and skin laxity.

Excessive fat in these areas can undermine our appearance, irrespective of our healthy lifestyle choices. Enter fat dissolving injections—a transformative approach that specifically targets and eradicates fatty cells, enabling the body to naturally eliminate them. Our adept team offers safe and effective treatments not only for the chin and cheeks but also for other body areas. Allow us to assist you in attaining the desired look you deserve.

Are you seeking a lasting solution for those stubborn love handles that seem impervious to exercise and a healthy diet? Look no further than L’Amour, where we specialise in targeted fat dissolving injections designed specifically for this common concern. Many individuals discover that despite their dedicated efforts, love handles persistently resist their best intentions.

We comprehend the frustration associated with shedding excess weight in the hip area, which is why we’ve developed this safe and effective treatment. Our team of experts is at hand to support you throughout your journey, offering unparalleled care and guidance to ensure optimal results. Bid farewell to love handles and embrace a newfound confidence with our hip fat dissolving injections.

Are you seeking a more streamlined and contoured appearance for your thighs without the endless hours at the gym? Look no further than our specialised fat dissolving injections. Designed to target both the inner and outer thighs, these injections offer a transformative solution to help you achieve the desired body outline. We understand the frustration of dealing with stubborn thigh fat that seems resistant to traditional cardio exercises. That’s why we provide a fast and effective solution at L’Amour Clinic. Bid farewell to unwanted thigh fat and embrace a newfound confidence. Let us help you unlock your full potential.

At L’Amour Clinic, we are dedicated to assisting you in achieving your desired body goals. That is why we provide specialised fat dissolving injections, including targeted treatment for the notoriously stubborn lower belly area. It is important to note that this area contains alpha receptors, which can hinder the process of lipolysis and make it challenging to eliminate unwanted fat. Fortunately, our treatment is specifically formulated to address these receptors and effectively break down stubborn fat deposits, resulting in a flatter and more toned stomach. Say farewell to frustration and welcome a newfound confidence with the expertise of L’Amour Clinic.

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about the appearance of loose skin under your arms, despite your dedication to exercise and a healthy lifestyle? Look no further than L’Amour Clinic, where we offer a transformative solution to target this stubborn area. Our advanced non-invasive fat dissolving injection treatment is specifically designed to address the concerns of flabby arms, providing remarkable body sculpting without the need for surgical procedures. With our expertise and personalised approach, we strive to help you regain confidence and embrace the beauty of your own skin. Trust in our commitment to excellence as we assist you in achieving your desired results.

Eliminate the bothersome bra bulge with the highly effective fat dissolving injections offered exclusively at L’Amour Clinic. We understand the frustrations of stubborn back fat that resists traditional exercise methods, which is why our specialised non-invasive treatment is designed to specifically target and address this concern. By effectively targeting and reducing the fat cells, we can help you achieve a smoother and more contoured silhouette, restoring your confidence and enhancing your overall appearance. Experience the transformation and embrace a toned and confident look with our tailored approach to aesthetics.

At L’Amour Clinic, we understand that the thought of pain during treatment can be nerve-wracking. However, we assure you that our fat dissolving injections are completely pain-free and non-invasive. To ensure maximum comfort during the procedure, we apply a numbing cream to the treated area beforehand. Our experienced aesthetician will guide you through the treatment process and address any concerns or questions you may have. So, sit back and relax as we help you achieve your desired body contouring without any discomfort.

At L’Amour Clinic, we believe in being transparent with our clients, and that’s why we want you to know about the possible side effects of fat dissolving injections. It’s common to experience mild swelling for up to five days after the procedure, but this is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. You can easily reduce any swelling at home with cooling pads.

Another potential side effect is redness of the skin in the treated area, but don’t worry, this is also normal and typically subsides after a few days. We advise against taking any anti-inflammatory medication to reduce these side effects, as it can counteract the effects of the treatment. Rest assured, our experienced aestheticians will provide you with thorough aftercare instructions to help minimise any discomfort or side effects you may experience.

Get ready to see a noticeable reduction in fat just 2-3 weeks after your first fat dissolving injection session! You can expect fatty deposits to shrink significantly, leaving you with a slimmer and more contoured appearance in the treated area.

While you’ll begin to see results sooner for smaller areas like the chin and cheeks, larger areas like the thighs, hips, and lower belly may take a bit more time due to their mass.

To achieve your desired results, we recommend a series of sessions. Let us help you reach your body goals.

At L’Amour Clinic, we want you to achieve the best possible results, and that is why we recommend between 6-15 treatments to help you get there. We believe that each individual is unique and may require different levels of treatment, so our practitioner, Aneesa, will take you through a comprehensive consultation beforehand to create a customised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Typically, we suggest a higher number of treatments for body areas compared to facial areas due to the mass of the area we are treating. This ensures that we can achieve the optimal results that you are looking for. With our personalised approach, we will work with you to help you achieve your desired outcome.

Fat Dissolving Injections Prices

Facial Areas:

Chin: £195

Cheeks: £195

Body Areas:






Prices starting from: £295

Packages discussed at consultation

Call us today on 07979 552338 to get booked in now for Vitamin B12 Injections at one of our L’Amour Locations:


Essex, London

High Wycombe



Marylebone, London